Construction NVQ Qualifications

Here you will find all the current information regarding Trowel Trades Construction NVQ qualifications, including why you need it, how you can get it and what`s included in it.

What are NVQs?

National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) were developed in 1986 and are designed to demonstrate a learners / workers occupational competence.

They are usually delivered in the workplace, although some trades (Plastering, Bricklaying and Wall and Floor Tiling) can be delivered in settings that replicate the working environment, but this is only for certain experienced trades people, this is explicitly stated by the relevant Sector Skills Council or Standards Setting Body.

Our NVQs are based on the National Occupational Standards (NOS), which define the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to do a particular job.

National Occupational Standards are set by Sector Skills Councils or Standards Setting Bodies in consultation with the sector. This means that our NVQs are designed to meet the changing needs of your area of work.

 National Occupational Standards are statements of performance which describe what competent people in their area of work should be able to do. This may include:

NVQs are available in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. in Scotland they have an SVQ qualifications.
NVQs are recognized through out the world.

Why take NVQs? 

NVQs offer proof that you can do a job to the required standard. They are available at different levels, construction trowel trades range from level 1 to level 3. This means you can study at the level that’s right for your job role and level of experience, and progress accordingly.
NVQ level1 are primarily for young learners between 16 to 19 and teach the basics of that trade and all health and safety to keep you working safely.  

NVQ level 2 is the only qualification that allows you to get a Blue 'Skilled Worker' CSCS (Construction Skills Certificate Scheme) card, this card is run by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB), without this qualification and card you cannot work on British Construction (building) sites. 

NVQs are outcome-based with no fixed learning programme, giving centres the flexibility to deliver the course to meet each individual candidate’s needs.


What occupations do Goldtrowel offer NVQ qualifications in?

Solid Plastering - Courses available through out the year

Plastering Courses | 4 Week NVQ Plastering Course  

Plastering Courses | 6 Weeks City and Guilds & NVQ Level 2 Plastering Course

NVQ Level 3 Plastering Courses | NVQ L3 Plastering Course

Wall & Floor Tiling - Courses available through out the year

NVQ Level 2 Wall and Floor Tiling Courses

Tiling Courses | NVQ Level 3 Tiling Course

Bricklaying - Courses available through out the year

NVQ Bricklaying Courses

NVQ Level 3 Bricklaying Courses - NVQ L3 Bricklaying Courses

How are NVQs graded?

The overall grade for each qualification is a ‘pass’ or 'fail'. It does not automatically means you have failed your qualification if you fail in part, usually you will just have to be reassessed for that part, Goldtrowel do not charge any extended fees for re-assessment.


How are NVQs assessed?

Your assessment is based on the practical activity you undertake in the workplace and a portfolio of evidence to show that you meet occupational standards. A qualified assessor will observe you while you’re at work and question you to test your knowledge and understanding.

 NVQs are assessed internally, with all internal assessment quality assured by qualified external verifiers.  


What can I do once I’ve taken an NVQ?

NVQs are designed to enhance your promotion prospects by allowing you to learn and demonstrate new skills, although the greatest positive from becoming qualified is the ability to work on UK construction sites, and by being qualified you can demand higher wages.

Once you’ve completed your course, you may decide you want to continue with further training, like an NVQ at the next level.

If you've studied a NVQ at level 3, you could also think about taking teaching training qualifications.